Sunday, January 2, 2011

Future 49er

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a 49er football fan. Yes, I know they haven't done much in recent years but in the 80's and 90's they were awesome. Lisa even drew a crayola masterpiece for me, depicting the 49ers winning their third Super Bowl in 1989 over the Cincinnati Bengals. It was so cute because she labeled the Cincinnati team the "Bangals". So I was delighted when our grandson George received a 49er jersey from Aunt Shirley for christmas. He wore the jersey tonight when Stephanie and Carlos came for dinner. George likes to play with the football I have in my office. Here are a few pix of him practicing his kicking game.

Get ready 49ers! George will be ready to join your team in another 20+ years.

Love is in the Air

On December 1st I took a young man and his girl friend for a ride in my airplane. It was a nice clear evening and the sun had already set as we took off from Spanish Fork airport. We flew north up Utah valley and flew over and around the Timpanogos temple. Then we flew back towards Spanish Fork. When we were over south Provo, I made a circle over a warehouse. There were some lights on the roof that seemed to spell something. As we got closer, we could see clearly the words "Marry Me?" written in Christmas lights on the top of the warehouse. The young lady looked at them and started screaming, "Oh my gosh, yes, yes, oh my gosh" (kiss, kiss) The young man worked at this warehouse and got permission from his boss to put these Christmas lights on the roof as a unique way of proposing to his girlfriend. He conveniently had a ring in his pocket that he slipped on her finger when she said yes. "How did I meet this young man, you ask?" I saw his ad on looking for an airplane ride. Isn't the internet just grand?